Monday, December 1, 2014

The unaddressed issues of Breast cancer:Emotional, social and psychological sides of breast cancer.

Emotional, social and psychological aspects that has been associated with breast cancer disease usually ignored by many health worker and researchers. Those factors are an essential needs for the patient as well as medical treatment.

Anxiety: Starting by the trip of diagnosis till confirmation, the patient and her family face a lot of anxiety. Questions like what if yes what if no? what is going to happen to my life?, medical visits,and  cost issues. All of that is too much burden on the patient and her family .Physical and emotional support is an important part for this problem , family, friends, and community support is going to help the patient pass this anxiety safely.

Support: is needed not only during the earlier stages of diagnosis but also during and after treatment, support during treatment will help patient to be more adherent to the treatment and follow up.
Rehabilitation: is an important part after treatment to resume normal life after finishing the treatment to get involved again with the community going back to her normal life . It usually takes some times and needs a good support.

So, either during diagnosis, treatment or rehabilitation support is highly recommended from family , friends and community. At any time if the patient feel that lack of support there is always an external support groups and line that do well for some patient . Aslo seeking psychological advice and help is important at any time if the patient feel so.

Adjusting Back after treatment and follow up, gain self confidence, remove any kind of bad memories is important for mental well being.

Body image is an important part of female character , loss of hair, breast surgery , cachexia, black eyes, loss of eyebrows, all of these either temporary or permanently has a solutions and patient should ask for help if she is not satisfied by any of those effects. These will help her in  rehabilitation as well.

Sexual relation especially in young women usually stops from the time of starting  chemotherapy due to fatigue, loss of orgasm , and loss of interest , that put a burden on the woman and her partner. Even after finishing the treatment , orgasm takes some time to come back to normal again.  Usually menstruation stops and  young patient go early in a menopause.

Family: childrens and partner: if the women still have small kids they usually affected by the mothers diseased, seeing her sick all the time and unable to do activities with them for a long time affect them in an adverse way unless threre was a good care of that point.
lifestyle modification after treatment : healthy food,  gain back physical activity,  and monitoring as well as follow up will help recover early.Fatigue after treatment with chemotherapy usually takes a few months to subside.

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