Monday, December 1, 2014

Comments on " Can a Toilet Help Lift India's Untouchables out of Poverty?" Video

Dr. B. Pathak "the founder of Sulabh Foundation" project addressed many  global health problems. Water sanitation, Proper waste disposal, Rights of scavengers, Stigma, The use of local resources, Innovative solutions, Lack of infrastructure, and politics interference.

Water sanitation: water sanitation is a big problem in low income countries. Access to clean water help reduce the diarrheal disease which cause a large number of child mortality in the developing countries. poverty and lack of infrastructure have an important contribution to that problem.

Proper waste disposal: Waste disposal as well as water sanitation bedside vaccination are main factors that are responsible for huge reduction in morbidity and mortality rates of infectious disease worldwide. Turning human excreta to a fertilizer is a one of the innovative solutions that do not need a well developed infrastructure. Building a sanitized public toilets help to solve this problem.

Scavengers rights: They have the same right as every one but due to community beliefs they feel unaccepted or discriminated by the community. Improving their living standards and Sanitary as well as health protection education  during their work is important in the matter of their health. It was nice from Dr. Pathak to involve with them in eating and other activities.

Stigma: Turn the untouchables to touchable. Dr. Pathak was trying to build a self esteem for them and change the dominant beliefs about them.  Sanitation is our religion  was a nice title. Instead of relating their work to dirt or rubbish, he relate their work to cleanliness and sanitation.

The use of local resources: Building this innovative Sulabh toilets  from local resources was a great idea. This toilets did not need a sewage disposal system. He depend on local resources, use easy cheep solution for defection in the public problem. Recycling of human excreta, depending on natural way to rid of them , in addition to develop energy was really brilliant way in solving the problem.

Poverty and lack of infrastructures will be always a big part of the problem. Due to low income and resources, this countries cannot depend so much on infrastructure or good fund to support their project.

Politics interference: Dr. Pathak mentioned the role of government interference. He refuse to get the fund from the government because they will but obstacles in his way to achieve his goals. 

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