Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Inequality regarding breast cancer morbidity and mortality rates in US

Breast cancer inequality and  races:
Death rates among White American is 28.3/100.000 compared to death rates in African American which is 36.4/100.000. ( Cary et al 2006). Higher mortality and morbidity rates of Breast cancer are found in different ethnic groups among US population (Shing-Giwa et al 2004). Most of ethnic rates other than Whites showed a late stages on first diagnosis. The CDC showed that rates of cancer incidence among women  in USA is  one of the highest despite that it is some what decreasing, breast cancer incidence among other races was less but nowadays it is increasing.  Morbidity and late stage at diagnosis leads to worse prognosis and higher mortality rates. in minorities and other races. The preventive measures also showed less participation from hispanic and Asian in relation to whites.
br cancer race 2.png

Breast cancer inequality and Socioeconomic Status:
The lower socioeconomic status showed a relation to lower screening rates. ( Lantz et al 2006). lower socioeconomic status leads to lower attention to preventive measures or seeking early help. it is also correlated to lower education and lower  health care.  Unemployment and uninsured people are higher in lower socioeconomic status. other problems and priorities than health is also found to be one of the  outcome of lower socioeconomic status,. All these factors associated with the lower income may be  the reason of this dip-arities found in breast cancer incidence and mortality as well as prevention.
Decreasing disparities and health inequality is one of the main goals of WHO and other organizations and  it is one of the human rights .The  American cancer society put  a main goal to decrease the breast cancer prevention inequality  around US.

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